Illustrations, and Gaming Concept Designs
These are some examples of some of character design, environment design, mood/look and feel, and illustration.

This is an image I did for Spawnuary2024 featuring my Wendigo character

King Spawn image done for Spawnuary 2024.

I did this tribute piece for my own enjoyment. Spawn and the Violator belong to Todd Mcfarlane, but the Wendigo character is one of mine.

Mock cover I did for The Amazing Mary-Jane number 1.

Banner image for my gaming studio.

Marketing image for Rogue Warrior. Photoshop

Quick practice painting I did for fun.

Lighting practice

Inductee image for the Ringling 100 publication

environment painting for an animated feature film, (Squadron Knights)

visual target for unannounced AAA title

visual target for same unannounced AAA game title

zombie fun and lighting study

Demon Concept I did for Vigil Games